Hello, friends! Have you been looking for pocket Mortys quests information? Here we are providing pocket Mortys quests list. From that list, you can know how to get more quests and what do you get after getting the each quest from the persons like Jerry, doofus rick,…etc. So why are you waiting? just have a look on it and get more enjoyment from this pocket Mortys game.
List Of Pocket Mortys Quests
There are total 20 quests are there in this pocket mortys crafting recipes. Here we are writing their names and how to get them. You can follow our step by step instructions to get the quests.
1.The Broken Rickmote:
- To get this quest you have to keep 2 badges with you
- The Dad jerry will come close to you
- He will ask the battery to fix his remote
- And in consideration, he will reward you with Attack Mega Seed Reward2.Rickstoring The Balance:
2. Rickstoring The Balance:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 4 badges with you
- The Doofus Rick will come to you
- He will ask Plutonic rock
- And in consideration, he will reward you Sensational serum
3. Feeling Rickcharged:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 6 badges with you
- The Mechanical Robot Rick will come to you
- He will ask Super Charged Battery
- And in consideration, he will reward you Level up Mega seed
4. New Chef In The RickChen:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 8 badges with you
- The Masy Kallerax will come to you
- He will ask Purified fleeb
- And in consideration, he will reward you an egg morty
5. A Rick And His Morty:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 10 badges with you
- The rick will come to you
- He will ask you a Simple Dog Collar
- And in consideration, he will reward you 500 schmeckles
6. A Matter of Rick or Death:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 12 badges with you
- The Four Eye Rick will come to you
- He will ask you Dark Energy Ball
- And in consideration, he will reward you Freeb, Battery,..etc
7. Rickbooting a New Life:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 14 badges with you
- The Robot rick will come to you
- He will ask you Mother Board
- And in consideration, he will reward you Level up mega seed
8. This Rick Must Fly:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 16 badges with you
- The Dandy Rick will come to you
- He will ask you Dark Matter Ball
- And in consideration, he will reward you Morty Manipulator Chip
9. The Love Rictor:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 18 badges with you
- The Jerry will come to you
- He will ask you Love Potion
- And in consideration, he will reward you Mr Meeseeks Box
10. Just In The Rick Of Time:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 20 badges with you
- The Flargo will come to you
- He will ask you, Time Crystal
- And in consideration, he will reward you 1200 Shmeckles
11. The Ricktatorship:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 22 badges with you
- The Bluu will come to you
- He will ask you Robot
- And in consideration, he will reward you attack,deffence,etc
12. Rictastrophe of the 4th Kind:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 24 badges with you
- The Humox 5 will come to you
- He will ask you Neutrino bomb
- And in consideration, he will reward you sensational and pure serums
13. Rick Around The Clock:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 26 badges with you
- The Flargo will come to you
- He will ask you Time stabilizing collar
- And in consideration, he will reward you pure halzinger and pure plutonic rock
14. Butter Me Up Rick:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 28 badges with you
- The Jerry will come to you
- He will ask you Butter Robot
- And in consideration, he will reward you Mutant Bacteria Cell
15. Ricktelligence quotient:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 30 badges with you
- The Doofus Rick will come to you
- He will ask you Iq Enhancing Helmet
- And in consideration, he will reward you Two Level up Mega Seeds
16. The Cable Rick:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 32 badges with you
- The Ballogy Mellow will come to you
- He will ask you Interdimentional Cable Box
- And in consideration, he will reward you Mr Meeseeks box
17. Behind Every Lover There is a Rick:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 34 badges with you
- The Guard Rick will come to you
- He will ask you Gwendolyn doll
- And in consideration, he will reward you 2000 shmeckles
18. The Rick In Me Is A Rick In You:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 36 badges with you
- The Jerry will come to you
- He will ask you Interdimensional goggles
- And in consideration, he will reward you purified fleeb, pure serum and halzinger
19. Dude, Where Is My Rick:
- To get this quest, you have to keep 38 badges with you
- The Dandy Rick will come to you
- He will ask you Microverse Battery
- And in consideration, he will reward you Blips and Chitz coupon
This is the information about quests and how do you get quests and all powers from the other mortys.